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Product Description
Percy Jackson UltimateCollection This box set contains five titles from the popular Percy Jacksonseries. Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief is the first in theseries and acquaints the reader with the protagonist Percy, whonever manages to prevent himself from being expelled from a singleschool that he has entered into. In this tale, Percy is alleged tohave stolen Zeus' lightning bolt, the ultimate weapon of massdestruction. Unless he proves his innocence, he knows there wouldbe a war among the gods. He, Annabeth and Grover take on manyadventures, and are exposed to all sorts of enemies, like Medusa,in their efforts to retrieve the weapon. After discovering theidentity of the thief and his twisted motives, they strive toprevent the terrible war among the great gods. Percy Jackson And The Sea Of Monsters is the second in thecollection. Thalia's tree, which protects the half-blood campthrough its magical powers, is found to be poisoned and can only besaved by the Golden Fleece. Grover is stranded on the very islandthat bears the Golden Fleece and Percy sets out with his loyalcompanions to save him. As always, their task proves to begargantuan since they are ambushed by rivals and monsters and Percyis almost killed. The third tale in the Percy Jackson series is Percy Jackson And The Titan's Curse, in which Percydeparts on a mission to fight a manticore who takes Annabethcaptive. Learning that Atlas has escaped, Percy and his friendsquickly join forces, recapture him, and return him to the task ofholding up the sky. This book of surprising revelations, as Percydiscovers the parentage of some of his friends. In Percy Jackson And The Battle Of The Labyrinth, Percydiscovers the labyrinth that would provide easy entry for Kronos'sarmy into their camp. During their endeavour to deny Kronossuccess, Percy inadvertently causes Mount St. Helens to explode.They lurk around until Kronos returns and escape into the camp.Kronos and Luke mount an attack on the camp
Product Details
Title: | Percy Jackson Ultimate Collection Set Of 5 Books |
Author: | Rick Riordan |
Publisher: | Penguin UK |
SKU: | BK0031195 |
EAN: | 9780141339887 |
Language: | English |
Binding: | Paperback |
Release date: | 19 August 2011 |