He is such an exceptional writer . . . an incredibly funny writer . . . a perfect sense of comic timing throughout, but he manages to deal with profound subjects . . . so enjoyable . . . you can be having a laugh while understanding a social phenomenon in a completely unique way; it's such a great book . . . We're buying it!A magnificent book, subtly argued, often painfully funny and yet deeply serious. . . I'm not sure I can recommend it highly enoughA work of original, inspired journalism, it considers the complex dynamics between those who shame and those who are shamed, both of whom can become the focus of social media's grotesque, disproportionate judgments
Superb and terrifying . . .
relentlessly entertaining and thought-provoking Ronson is our current master of smarter-than-average pop nonfiction that combines social science, investigative journalism and no shortage of style . . . Ronson and his subjects are strikingly candid about their fears, which is compelling if not always comfortable to read. But the book slowly turns out to be about something bigger than it seems: a survival guide to living with shame both public and private, an inevitable consequence of being human.Ronson's finely attuned ear for dialogue and his skilfully deployed nebbishness ensure a pacy but discomfiting readJon Ronson's great strength as a writer is his empathy with his subject, which seems to bring about trust and openness from his interviewees. Like all journalists, he is a voyeur, but he is sensitive with his material and self-analytical enough to realise his own part in the phenomenon.
So You've Been Publicly Shamed is an interesting commentary on human behaviour and its consequences.immensely readable[A] brilliant, thought-provoking book - a fascinating examination of citizen justice, which has enjoyed a great renaissance since the advent of the internetAmusing and thought-provokingCertainly, no reader could finish it without feeling a need to be gentler online, to defer judgment, not to press the retweet button, to resist that primal impulse to stoke the fires of shameAs in his previous books, Ronson's style is to take us with him wherever the story goes, curiosity his guide. But unlike bestsellers
The Men Who Stare At Goats (US new age warfare),
The Psychopath Test (the mental health 'industry') or
Them (ideological extremism),
Shamed is not a critique of those at the fringes of our society, it's about us - or at least the very many of us who take to Twitter to heap vitriol on those we feel deserve itJon Ronson is one of the funniest writers we haveHugely entertainingEngrossing and terrifyingRonson specialises in writing witty, wide-eyed, free-wheeling books . . . He is full of curiosity, and writes in a friendly, slightly faux-naif voice, but with strong moral antennaeCompulsively readable
So You've Been Publicly Shamed is possibly [Ronson's] most ambitious project yet . . . a brilliantly articulated, sensitively rendered attempt to reform the world
So You've Been Publicly Shamed is fascinating, insightful and amusing and should be read by everyoneEveryone who has any kind of online presence - including anonymous below-the-line commenters - will find this book gripping . . . Ronson remains one of our finest comic writers[A] simultaneously lightweight and necessary bookI was mesmerized. And I was also disturbedGutsy and smart. . . Without losing any of the clever agility that makes his books so winning, he has taken on truly consequential material and risen to the challengeRead this book. Then tell someone else about it. Make sure you leave it in a place where an unsuspecting teen is lingering, they too could benefit from these timely fables of the digital worldA gripping book, well written, articulate, honest and incredibly relevant in today's society. A book everyone with a twitter account should read . . . This is a book that will grip you and really make you think about 21st century society in a different way, definitely one to read, and one to read nowRonson is adept at taking a topic and explaining it through a number of case studies . . . His facts are gathered first-hand, his experiences conveyed with sharp observations of scene and character, and his conclusions logical. As contemporary society becomes ever more connected, Ronson's lessons will become even more importantWitty . . .clever and thought-provokingThis book really needed to be writtenOne of our most important modern day thinkers, Jon Ronson . . . has written one of the most therapeutic books imaginableI very much enjoyed Jon Ronson's salutary examination of what happens when the internet turns on you:
So You've Been Publicly Shamed (Picador). One stupid picture, one misplaced joke, and your life can be completely trashed. The book examines a very dark corner of the times we live in but manages to be both entertaining and humane
So You've Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson is the non-fiction book of the year - an alarming examination of victims and victimisers in the new social media sport of mob justice.Jon Ronson is unreal.
So You've Been Publicly Shamed - everyone should read that book.He's one of my favourite human beings.We love Jon Ronson. He's thoughtful and very funny. [
So You've Been Publicly Shamed] is a great book about the way the internet can gang up on people and shame them, when they deserve it, when they don't deserve it and it's greatA chilling look at how social media encourages witch huntsAn important start to a necessary conversation on internet hate mobs[Ronson] takes on one of the most egregious perils of life in the age of social media - the whopping magnification of some gaffe or misstep or downright lie - to the point that it achieves life-wrecking power. . .there's a lot to learn from his funny, insightful look at this red-hot topicYes, it's a breezy read at the sentence level, but Ronson's latest book evokes a sense of dread that lingers.Simmering with humour, weirdness and pathosA fascinating exploration of modern media and public shaming. John Ronson has provided me so many dinner party conversation topics with this book. It's a great conversation starterIt is difficult to read this book and not feel equal parts righteous (because we wound never do the horrible things that the people in this book have done) and guilty (because we all have done the totally benign things that the people in this book have done), it's a terrifying and keen insight into a new form of misguided mass hysteriaI'll read anything by my old pal Ronson, who always tackles serious topics with a sense of play and an appreciation for the absurdThe classic book on social media and public shaming, now with an extra chapter examining the shaming of Monica Lewinsky.
Celebrating Fifty Years of Picador Books
Jon Ronson's captivating and brilliant exploration of one of our world's most underappreciated forces: shame.
‰Û÷It‰۪s about the terror, isn‰۪t it?‰۪
‰Û÷The terror of what?‰۪ I said.
‰Û÷The terror of being found out.‰۪
The rise of social media has seen a great renaissance in public shaming. Justice has been democratized. The silent majority are getting a voice. But what are we doing with that voice? We are mercilessly finding people‰۪s faults, and defining the boundaries of normality by ruining the lives of those outside it. We are using shame as a form of social control.
Simultaneously powerful and hilarious in the way only Jon Ronson can be, So You‰۪ve Been Publicly Shamed is a deeply honest book about modern life, full of eye-opening truths about the escalating war on human flaws ‰ÛÒ and the very scary part we all play in it.
This edition features a new chapter and interview with perhaps the most famous public shaming victim of all ‰ÛÒ Monica Lewinsky.
Part of the Picador Collection, a series showcasing the best of modern literature.
Jon Ronson is an award-winning writer and documentary maker. He is the author of many bestselling books, including
Frank: The True Story that Inspired the Movie,
Lost at Sea: The Jon Ronson Mysteries,
The Psychopath Test,
The Men Who Stare at Goats and
Them: Adventures with Extremists. His first fictional screenplay,
Frank, co-written with Peter Straughan, starred Michael Fassbender. He is the creator of podcasts including
Things Fell Apart and
The Butterfly Effect. He lives in London and New York City.