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The Law of Small Things

Release date: 1 January 2019
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We are living in a time when dishonesty and duplicity are common in our public institutions, our ... Read More

Product Description

We are living in a time when dishonesty and duplicity are common in our public institutions, our workplaces, and even in our personal relationships. But by recognizing and resisting the small, seemingly inconsequential ways we make moral compromises in our own lives, we can repair the tear in our social and moral fabric. The Law of Small Things begins with an IQ (Integrity Quotient) test designed to reveal the casual way we regard our promises and the misconceptions we have about acting truthfully. The book shows how most people believe that integrity is something we just have and that we just do, like a Nike commercial. It depicts these and other deceptions we deploy to appear to act with integrity without actually doing so. The Law of Small Things also exposes how our culture encourages breaches of integrity through an array of permitted promise-breaking, a language of cliches that equates self-interest with duty, and the illusion of inconsequence that excuses small breaches with the breezy confidence that we can fulfill integrity when it counts. Brody challenges the prevailing notion that integrity is a possession you hold permanently. No one has integrity and no one is perfect in practicing it. What we have is the opportunity to uphold promises and fulfill duties in each situation that faces us, large and small. Integrity is a practice and a habit of keeping promises, the ones we make explicitly and the ones that are implied in all our relationships. Ultimately, developing skill in the practice of integrity leads us to knowledge of who we are--not in the way the culture defines us, but in the way we truly know ourselves to be.

Product Details

Title: The Law of Small Things
Publisher: RH USA
SKU: BK0426926
EAN: 9781523089017
Number Of Pages: 240
Language: English
Binding: Paperback
Release date: 1 January 2019

About Author

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Stuart H. Brody consults with business and political leaders and lectures nationally to promote the practice of integrity in private and public life. He draws from more than twenty years as an advisor to prominent political figures, including presidential candidates. He has held numerous public offices, not-for-profit board directorships, and teaching positions, including serving on the Regional Transportation Authority of Northeastern Illinois, the New York State High Speed Rail Commission, the United Way board of directors (New York), and the University of Chicago alumni board (of Arizona), and as Ethics Officer to the State of New York (Department of Environmental Conservation) and Visiting Scholar, now Senior Scholar, at the State University of New York’s Institute for Ethics in Public Life. In his career as a lawyer, he represented many high-profile clients, appeared before the US Supreme Court, and wrote numerous articles on dispute settlement and labor–management relations. He is the founder of Integrity Intensive, a consulting firm concentrating on decision-making, leadership, and personal development, and has commented on these issues on TV and radio. The Law of Small Things evolved from Stu’s many years observing “good people” trapped in a culturally dysfunctional understanding of personal authenticity and public integrity. He is committed to dispelling these illusions and paving the way for more authentic personal living and inspired public leadership. Humphrey and Me takes us on a journey through the moral pitfalls that imperil the best hopes of even the most decent men and women and points the way to courage and understanding. This is a story about discerning our unique role in the world: our need for heroes who help us see it, and who teach us how to become heroes to others. A pilot and avid outdoorsman, Stu has climbed mountains, run marathons, and trekked around the world. He lives in the Adirondacks of New York and in the Sonoran desert south of Tucson, Arizona, and teaches at universities in both Arizona and New York.

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