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The Man From The Egg

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Sudha Murty was born in 1950 in Shiggaon, northKarnataka. She did her MTech in computer science, ... Read More

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Product Description

Sudha Murty was born in 1950 in Shiggaon, northKarnataka. She did her MTech in computer science, and is now the chairperson ofthe Infosys Foundation. A prolific writer in English and Kannada, she haswritten novels, technical books, travelogues, collections of short stories andnon-fictional pieces, and six bestselling books for children. Her books havebeen translated into all the major Indian languages. Sudha Murty is therecipient of the R.K. Narayan Award for Literature (2006), the Padma Shri(2006) and the Attimabbe Award from the Government of Karnataka for excellencein Kannada literature (2011).

Did you know that Brahma once had five faces?
Why do snakes have a forked tongue?
Do gods cheat?
Why does Shiva sport a crescent moon on his head?

The Trinity, consisting of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, is the omnipresent trio responsible for the survival of the human race and the world as we know it. They are popular deities of worship all over India, but what remain largely unknown are some of their extraordinary stories.
Award-winning author Sudha Murty walks by your side, weaving enchanting tales of the three most powerful gods from the ancient world. Each story will take you back to a magical time when people could teleport, animals could fly and reincarnation was simply a fact of life.

Product Details

Title: The Man From The Egg
Author: Sudha Murty
SKU: BK0033973
EAN: 9780143427865
Language: English
Binding: Paperback

About Author

Sudha Murty was born in 1950 in Shiggaon, north Karnataka. A prolific writer in English and Kannada, she has written novels, technical books, travelogues, collections of short stories and non-fiction pieces, and bestselling books for children. Her books have been translated into all major Indian languages. She weaves magical tales and especially enjoys writing for young readers. A generation of children has grown up reading her books and her stories are available in textbooks across schools in India.

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