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Product Description
And so is Scrubbing Brush, his brave and rather bedraggled pet. But one night Scrubbing Brush myseriously vanishes and in his place is the utterly hygenic Turbodog, in indestructible Purple Plastic with Flashing Eyes, Electronic Bark and three AA batteries. But its not the same without Scrubbing Brush. Can he save Scrubbing Brush from?
Product Details
Title: | Traction Man Meets Turbodog |
Author: | Mini Grey |
Publisher: | RED FOX |
SKU: | BK0506193 |
EAN: | 9780099484028 |
Number Of Pages: | 32 |
Language: | English |
Binding: | Paperback |
Release date: | 1 October 2009 |
About Author
Born in a mini car in a car park in South Wales, Mini worked as a theatre designer, then a primary school teacher, before studying for an MA in sequential design at Brighton University. Since then she has been mostly making children’s picture books, some of which have won awards. Recent books by Mini include The Last Wolf and The Bad Bunnies’ Magic Show. 2020 saw the publication of Money-Go-Round written by Roger McGough and illustrated by Mini, and The Book of Not Entirely Useful Advice, a volume of poems and pictures by AF Harrold and Mini. Published in May 2022 is Mini’s new book, The Greatest Show on Earth, the 4.6 billion year story of life on our planet, told by Rod the Roach and his troupe of insects. Mini lives in Oxford UK with her partner Tony and son Herbie. She likes running along the river and down corridors, and playing with her food. Mini’s Sketch-Blog: http://minigrey-blog.com Twitter: @Bonzetta1