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Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read book recommendations and more. Andrea D'Aquino is an artist and author. Her books include "A Life Made by Hand, The Story of Ruth Asawa" and "She Heard the Birds" (both Princeton Architectural Press). Coming in Fall '24 is a picture book bio of ground breaking NY congresswoman Bella Abzug (Calkins Creek/Astra). Her art has been published widely in The New York Times, Wall St Journal and many others. She has exhibited original works internationally. Awarded by The Society of Illustrators and the Bologna Children's Book Fair, to name just a few. She lives in New York City. Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read book recommendations and more. Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read book recommendations and more. Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read book recommendations and more. Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read book recommendations and more. Esperamos que estas obras sean del agrado del lector, que sepa quienes ha adquirido estas obras, que existe un equipo de trabajo muy grande detrás de esta libro, formato, edición, y demás elementos necesarios para que puedan ser adquiridos por usted en este formato tan accesible a los tiempos actuales. Por este motivo, y dado el equipo tan grande de trabajo que respalda estas colecciones que facilitamos al lector, tenga la consideración de remitirnos todas las observaciones, comentarios y criticas directamente a nuestro correo electrónico que aquí se lo facilitamos, con el fin de subsanar toda situación que podamos ayudarlo, y sepa también que las reseñas y puntuaciones negativas afectan nuestra reputación y fuente de trabajo, motivo por el que nos tomamos muy seriamente este trabajo. Paper Mill Press is proud to present a timeless collection of unabridged literary classics to a twenty-first century audience. Each original master work is reimagined into a sophisticated yet modern format with custom suede-like metallic foiled covers. Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read book recommendations and more. Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read book recommendations and more. Benjamin Struck is a reader, a writer, and an avid outdoorsman. As a husband, and father of two, Benjamin finds great joy in family outings and get-togethers. He enjoys spending time alone in the cool, early morning hours before the sun has risen. Furthermore, as a lifelong, outdoor enthusiast, there is a special place in his heart for the deep woods of the Midwest United States. Benjamin’s stories all revolve around his lived experiences out in the wild, his vivid imagination, and the daydreams of his childhood. When he was a young boy, Benjamin’s father would read stories to the whole family. This sparked a love and appreciation for fantasy in him from a young age. Benjamin’s stories will appeal to readers of THE LORD OF THE RINGS and THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA as well as other series such as REDWALL, THE SWORD OF TRUTH, and THE WHEEL OF TIME. Visit BenjaminStruck.com for more information on further releases and exclusive content. Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read book recommendations and more. By profession, I am a Lawyer but I am always in search of learning more and more, and learning each and everything. As far as I can think of, this characteristics of mine is developed due to my profession, as this professions demands to learn everything, means that every field of study whether science or arts or something else, because we face many different situations, and we deal with people from every field of study. So it demands from us to know their field and thoughts, so that we might better understand their words and their problems. So I want to learn more and more, and want to reach every corner of educational ocean. I know it might be very hard or some people might say that it is nearly impossible but at I want to try out. What do I do in my spare times other than writing? So basically I am a Lawyer. Studying is my passion. So I study and learn new things in my spare time. I write general books,novels and poetry in my spare time as my hobby. I am also a YouTube Creator, and have a channel named "Read Till Death" on YouTube. This is basically an educational channel. So in my spare time, I shoot and edit videos for this channel. I am also a blogger having blog address of "tabibhaider.blogspot.com". I also has some new physics' inventions ideas in my mind, so I also work for their formulas and other things, so that if they are correct, they might be proved. I also like to collect everything especially small things like coins and currencies of different countries etc. I love cars, so I try to make different designs of cars in my spare time. I am also interested in learning software and games coding, so I am trying my best to learn it. The above are some of the things which I do in my spare time other than doing my routinely things. But I don't do all of these said things, everyday but it depends on my mood that what to do today. General Press publishes high-quality POD books in almost all popular genres including Fiction, Nonfiction, Religion, Self-Help, Romance, Classics, etc.